C10 — Trauma 101: What Beginning Counselors Need to Know...
Christine Banks-VanAllen, Kent State
Hannah Lowe, Signature Health
NOTE: First 12 minutes of session are missing. CE credit will still be granted.
Trauma is ubiquitous in clinical practice. Trauma is linked to mental health conditions including substance abuse, eating disorders, depression, self-injury, and suicide. The emotional, cognitive, and physiological symptoms of trauma can be a daunting challenge for non-trauma-informed counselors...
S14 — School Counselors’ Experiences with ACES...
Sarah Shrewsbury, OSU
Robyn Walsh, Capital
Brett Zyromski, OSU
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can result in immediate and long-term medical, mental health, and behavioral issues (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). School counselors who incorporate their knowledge of ACES to inform programming decisions in their school counseling programs...
S21 — Effective Collaboration: School & Mental Health Counselors
DeQuindre Hughes, OSU
Derek Lee, The Hope Institute
While there are a number of similarities between school counselors and mental health counselors, there are also some striking differences. This session will explore the responsibilities and boundaries of both and look at best practices for collaboration to assist students. Areas discussed will include how each role supports the other, consistency in treatment and interventions, and exploring some of the unique language...
C25 — Resiliency-Focused Counseling: Fostering Healing & Hope
Alicia Hall, Lifestance
This presentation will address the relationship of trauma, emotion dysregulation, and cognitive distortions that youth with trauma histories often struggle to overcome. Resiliency-focused counseling interventions are emphasized to support these youth in learning emotion regulation strategies and to reduce and reframe cognitive distortions. This interactive presentation will provide creative and innovative strategies counselors can implement across settings (clinical and school)...
S33 — College and Career Exploration...
Anna Duckro, Brookeville HS
Jamie Neely, Brookeville Intermediate
Natalie Storie, Brookeville Elem.
A district counseling team will share how their building level career exploration activities have worked together to promote college and career education for students from kindergarten to twelfth grade across the district. While each building is providing different learning opportunities for their respective students, the counselors have worked hard...
C37 — Marginalization and Privilege: Roles and Best Practices
Janet Kempf, Toledo
Sahar Sheikh, Toledo
Using the ACA Multicultural and Social Justice Competencies Conceptual Framework (Ratts, et al., 2016), the presenters will discuss the literature (and its gaps) and demonstrate best practices working cross-culturally as marginalized and privileged counselors focusing on the layer that is the counseling relationship. Cultural humility will be discussed as a tool to increase cultural competence (Zhu, 2021)...
S43 — Prove That You Make a Difference: Teaching Emotional Regulation
Laura Swinsburg, Summit County
Amid every school counselor’s district or building is a push for students to develop socially and emotionally. In many school districts and communities, ER (emotional regulation) is not always understood or easily measured. Moreover, the push for data proving student growth is a common stressor among schools. This session provides not only some unique school counselor "hacks"...
C49 — Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: Ethics & Legal Considerations...
Victoria Kress, YSU
Research suggests that nonsuicidal self-injurious behavior is an issue that many counselors are uncomfortable managing. Self-injury invites many risk-related issues, thus counselors can benefit from learning more about how to manage complicated self-injury related scenarios. This presentation will focus on important information that counselors need to know when working with those who self-injure...
C60 — Mental Health Advocacy: Community Partnerships...
Jake Protivnak, YSU
Kristina Dooley, Estrela
Promoting mental health awareness, increasing access and reducing stigma are important advocacy issues. This presentation will provide strategies (e.g., programming, advertising, fundraising, connecting with community leaders) to start and sustain a volunteer led non-profit mental health advocacy organization...
S63 — So You Want to Play Sports in College: How Your School Counselor Can Help
Heath Grissinger, Ashland HS
As a school counselor, one of our duties is to assist students who would like to continue their athletic career in college. Many students are unaware of the correlation between their academic work and their recruitment as well as how to navigate the process. As a result, some sort of program needs to be created to help students and parents receive all of the relevant information as early and as often as possible...